Shops in Target

    Hi everyone! Ready for more moments and experiences on my blog? Today, I'm going to tell you about my day, specifically, shopping at Target! It all started when my Sebastian came up with the idea of going to Target for some shopping. So we decided to take an Uber, as it would be faster and safer. 

    As we were in the Uber, the driver asked us if we liked music, and we replied with a "yes". Suddenly, he mentioned that he had karaoke in his car and pulled out a microphone from the glove compartment. He handed it to us and encouraged us to start singing. We chose to sing "Baby" by Justin Bieber. It was so much fun with my friends Manuela and Aitana. The 20 minutes felt like it lasted only 3 minutes because we were having such a great time. 

    During our shopping trip, we stumbled upon a dog sitting in a shopping cart at Target, and it was incredibly amusing to see him there. We couldn't resist petting him, as I absolutely adore dogs. Afterwards, we continued with our shopping, and Sebastian purchased a portable speaker so that we could listen to music at Yale. And that's it! I hope you enjoyed this post, and until next time!


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